Failure  in Speaking
Speaking is delivery of ideas, thoughts, feelings to others using spoken language so that it can be understood others. Speaking is an skill in English. Many speakers made a mistake in speaking caused by lack of vocabulary, lack of understanding in grammar, poor pronunciation.
In speaking many speakers have difficulty in vocabulary. Many of them have or understand the vocabulay slightly. Maybe the speakers are less memorize or use in daily activity. Vocabulary is what determines successful or unsuccessful a person speaking.
Lack of understanding of the speakers in grammar also determine the success in speaking. Because, in speaking the speaker must use appropriate grammar. If the speaker proper grammar then talk opponent will understand what is delivered by the speaker.
Speakers who have poor pronunciation will determine success in speaking. In speaking the speaker should speaking clearly and with good pronunciation. In the use of a good pronunciation to speaking opponent will understand the meaning conveyed by the speaker.
Here are some consequences of speaking failure which caused a lack of vocabulary, lack of understanding in grammar and bad pronunciation as speaker not confident in speaking, speaker spoke carelessly, and speaker spoke not in accordance with grammar.
In speaking above the cause of failure resulting in the speaker is not confident in speaking. Speakers prefer silence because speaker do not understand what it is supposed to be conveyed.
Speakers who have poor pronunciation lead speaker prononce the word or prhase with no clear result in the speaker fails in speaking. Speaker continues to speak without determine the pronunciation used so that the person speaking speakers will not understand what is coveyed by the speaker.
In addition, speakers who do not understand the grammar would prefer to remain silent because the speaker do not understand what the speakers are going to say. Speakers will be confused using appropiate grammar. There are also speakers who use incorrect grammar so that opponents do not understand the speaker speake.
In conclusion, failure to speaking like speaker not confident in speaking, speaker spoke carelessly, and speaker spoke not in accordance with grammar. This was caused by lack of vocabulary, lack of understanding in grammar, poor pronunciation. In speaking of the speakers should be tedermining the what should have been spoken to cinsider grammar and pronunciation so that what the speaker delivery will be clearer and easier to understand.

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