Speech is an activity of public speaking or giving speeches to express their opinions, or to give an idea about something. Speech is usually performed by a person who gives speeches and statement about things / events that are important and should be discussed. Speech is also the skill in the subject of English. Before starting a speech many things to consider in making and presenting a speech.
The steps prepare of specch text. In speech the first step is determine topics of interest in accordance with the allocation of time. The next step is determine the purpose of the speech. The important thing is determine the material of speech. In order for speech based on the facts available and not based on the opinion.
The structures make speech well. In speech usually attended by many people. The addresses should be used to be the one right. For example, speech for president, the greeting use the honourable Jokowi the president of Indonesia. Greeting should be used based on the situation. The opening part of the speech should be related to the title of the speech. As well convey intent speaker. Part discussion of speech must develop ideas speeches. The concluding part is important because it provides an opportunity for the speaker to clarify their ideas to the audiences.
Some aspects of behavior that should be there when delivering a speech. A speech that life is a gestural communication that involves the movement of the hands, head, face. Eye contact is one form of communication that could lead to the appeal when delivering a speech. The position of the body covering how to walk, stance, using a podium and microphone, as well as the distance between the speaker and the audience stands. Aspects related to the appearance of clothing, which used to be related to the topic of speech.
In the end, based on the point above can be concluded that the speech don’t just say the ideas, advice, and message verbally in front of crowds. However, in preparing and delivering speech must concider measures, structural, behavioral aspects of the speech that the speech made more attractive and acceptable to the audience

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